Monday, November 23, 2009

Ebay WIN!!

Lord have mercy I am so bad!
When the MAC style black collection came out I bought a lot of things such as the greasepaint stick, cinderfella, blue flame, the Volcanic Ash Exfoliator and the V.A. Thermal Mask but I forgot to buy one thing... YOUNG PUNK eyeshadow! =O( This was an online purchase so if I wanted to return it I would have to send it back and end up driving an hour n some minutes to get to my nearest MAC pro store. It was my fault though, I was being lazy lol  Turns out these eyeshadows sold out like hot cakes and I had to find it on ebay. Great news! I won yesterday! Yaye! I will not say how much I paid for it because that's too embarrassing lol but I won and I can't wait to get it.
Note: I got this picture from google search I will change it once I get mine in th mail I hope she doesn't mind. =O)

My Poupee Girl whatever that means.. It sounds like poopee lol I couldn't find my hair color lol whateV!
Fashion brand community - poupeegirl

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